水泥穩定碎石的養護時間 不少于7天 。在這期間,需要禁止車輛通行,并且每日灑水車需要灑水養護2∽4遍,以保持濕潤。另外,根據具體施工環境和材料特性的不同,養護時間可能會適當延長。例如,在氣溫較高的條件下,養護時間可以適當延長,因為高溫有利于水泥強度的增長。
The curing time for cement stabilized crushed stone shall not be less than 7 days. During this period, vehicles are prohibited from passing, and the sprinkler truck needs to be watered 2-4 times a day for maintenance to keep it moist. In addition, the curing time may be appropriately extended depending on the specific construction environment and material characteristics. For example, under high temperature conditions, the curing time can be appropriately extended because high temperature is beneficial for the growth of cement strength.
It is recommended to strictly follow the construction specifications during the actual construction process, and regularly check the humidity and compactness of cement stabilized crushed stone during the curing period to ensure construction quality.
This article is provided by Jinan Cement Stabilized Crushed Stone for you. Our website is: http://m.yuanchuodian.cn We will provide you with wholehearted enthusiasm and welcome your visit!